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Sunday, August 26, 2012

10 Self-Checks Women Should Do Every Morning

If the only time you zoom in on your anatomy is when you're tweezing your unibrow or popping a zit, then you could be missing out on some crucial information about your health.

One of the many wonderful things about your body is that it has built-in sickness sensors, and experts say you can spot early warning signs of even serious conditions simply by taking a few minutes to bond with the image in the mirror.

So go ahead, take a closer look. In the immortal words of Ice Cube: It's time to check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Your Nails
If you see dark lines on the nail beds
It could mean Texas-sized moles aren't the only red flags for skin cancer--the disease can also develop under your nails. Yellowish, brown, or black stripes are a sign of cell damage, possibly from melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, says Ariel Ostad, M.D., a dermatologist in New York City.

With early detection and treatment, though, about 95 percent of cases are curable, so have your dermatologist take a second look.

If you see bright white stripes
It could mean everyone gets white spots on their nails from time to time (usually it's a sign that you banged your finger in a drawer), but If you see long horizontal bands of discoloration on the nail's surface and you've been feeling fatigued lately, it could be bad news for your kidneys.

"These bands can be a signal that the kidneys aren't able to filter out protein from your urine," Ostad says. That means your body is losing protein faster than you can shovel in filet mignon--and that can lead to kidney failure. Visit your doctor ASAP for a urine test. 

Easy Loss Weight With Vit. D Food Sources

Who are doesn't love the vitamin D food sources, who like it, them we are those who are in the right track to easy loss weight if we work-hard with it.....

Vitamin D is essential for bone development and helps the body to absorb calcium. Foods rich in vitamin D include fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines. Dairy products are also a good source of vitamin D, including milk and cheeses. Other foods are ready-to-eat cereals, margarine, cod liver oil, beef and liver....

6 Nutrients For Faster Weight Loss

For years scientists have searched for a magical ingredient that would help people shed fat. In 2008, Dr. Shalamar Sibley of the University of Minnesota put 38 obese people on an 11-week diet where they consumed 750 calories less than their estimated daily need. Study participants whose blood levels of D were higher at the study's start lost more weight than participants whose blood levels of D were lower. They actually lost a lot more--70 percent more, to be exact.

Based on the results of this study, by fueling your body with the D-rich nutrients it needs to stay out of a fat-storage state and in a fat-burning state, you can speed weight loss by 70 percent! Thousands of studies on vitamin D have been completed over a span of 40 years, and it's become clear that vitamin D is pretty incredible and effective. Still, it's not the only player on this fat-melting team. Turn up your metabolism and melt body fat adding vitamin D and these five fat-melters from The Vitamin D Diet.

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